How do you want to make the world a better place?

Botan Dolun

Child Mortality: A Global Crisis

In this study, my colleagues and I investigate under age five child mortality at the global scale.

Fertility & Population: A Timeless Measure of Human Condition

In this study, we look for an answer to the question: If fertility rate is declining globally, then why is the world population still increasing?

Grain Consumption and Loss in the U.S.

Here, we analyze grain consumption and loss in the US--that is, grain that becomes unfit for consumption, the conditions surrounding this problem, and its ethical, social, and health implications.

Hi, I am a philosophy and data science student at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.

This is my personal page—where I share the data science projects I have done with my colleagues, as well as my philosophical works.

Philosophical Works

(coming soon)


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